Urgent Care
We equip our partners with the capabilities to transform healthcare delivery and activate patient relationships.
Smarter healthcare. Better outcomes.
Artificial Intelligence. Modern Urgent Care.
Intellivisit Solutions is a healthcare technology and modern urgent care consulting company. Our technology, Intellivisit, is a real-time artificial intelligence decision support tool specifically designed by our experts to enhance urgent care teams. Our consulting, UCP Merchant Medicine, is a full-service, turn-key consulting firm focused on improving strategic, financial, and operational outcomes with our modern urgent care model.
AI Decision Support
Urgent Care Services
Proof that our approach works smarter.
In real-world study of urgent care use, Intellivisit Solutions’ clients demonstrate:
34 min
Average Door-to-Door
Net Promoter Score
New & Reactivated Patients
Transforming healthcare delivery
across 65+ organizations.
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